It's been a little while since I've updated the things on Teddy's shelves. At just over 2-years-old, he still isn't a child that is super into using toys and materials. Through my observation of him, I've determined that he gets overwhelmed fairly easily. If we have too many choices available then he tends to just ignore all his work shelves. So I recently went and really slimmed down the choices so that he can more easily see and choose work on his own. This post contains affiliate links at no cost to you. As always, I want to remind you that Teddy is just one child and the toys/work that your toddler may be interested in might be different that Teddy's. Even comparing him to his siblings is not very helpful because they are all so different. So use posts like this only for inspiration, not as some sort of definitive Montessori curriculum or set of must-haves. Here's a look at his toy choices: Shape Sorting Beads: Ours is from MontiKids ( similar ). I lo...