37 weeks! And, I've made it to full term. I'm really hoping Nora decides to stay in for a little while longer though. There are so many things that I want to get done before she is born -- finish our meal plans for this month, meal plan for next month, get the nursery essentials set up, clear the camera cards, sort/purge and rotate Henry's toys, clean the house, and pack a hospital bag. Some of these things are attainable, and some I've had to let go of. I have been getting some work done but I'm pretty much on the work-for-15-minutes, sit-for-15-minutes schedule. Otherwise, I'm feeling so-so. Minnesota went from winter to summer in about six days. With temperatures in the upper 80's pretty much overnight, I've been swollen, slow and sore. I've also had a bunch of pretty painful contractions. Thankfully, they are doing their job and at my OB appointment yesterday I was 2 cm dilated. I know this doesn't really tell you when labor will...