9 months! 9 months! How did this happen? Wasn't Henry born, like, yesterday? Henry was born at 39 weeks 5 days gestation, which means as of this Thursday he will have officially been "out" longer than he was "cooking." Crazy! It felt like I was pregnant forever, but his short life has flown by in a flash. "SO BIG!!" Clapping! Henry finally went back to the doctor this month! Which means updated stats! Henry now weighs 19 lbs and is 27.5 inches long. These are both only in the upper 20th percentiles for his age, so he's not that big of a baby. This isn't very surprising to us, since he hasn't really outgrown his clothes/diaper size lately. The doctor isn't concerned about his growth. She said babies height normally comes in spurts...remember when he was in the 80th percentile at 4 months? So he spurted early, and hasn't since. As for weight, she said because he is so active that he burns it off. More "So ...