About six weeks ago, Henry's preschool teachers expressed some concern about his writing and fine motor skills. He goes to a non-Montessori preschool so their concern was not at all unexpected. While Montessori schools focus on reading and writing with a movable alphabet at first, traditional schools are more concerned with pencil grip and writing skills. I think it's kind of silly, but since we aren't sending him to a Montessori school {sadly} I felt like it was important to honor their request to work with him on writing at home. If I was going to do that, I wanted to do it in the most Montessori way I could, so I created a Montessori inspired preschool mirror writing work. This post contains affiliate links at no cost to you. I knew I had to create something to entice Henry to participate. I wasn't going to force him or do silly worksheets. Part of the issue is Henry shows almost no interest in writing on his own. Right now, he fills his time ...