Where has the last 10 days gone!?! I'm not sure, but Henry is officially 10 days old. Crazy. The last 10 days of my pregnancy seemed to take a month, whereas the first 10 days of Henry's life seemed to take no time at all. Well I figured I should do a quick birth story while Henry is napping. Flashback to St. Patrick's day. I woke up that day with a migraine headache, which was really odd since I hadn't had one my entire pregnancy (I got them several times a month before I was pregnant). So I spent the morning laying around waiting for it to go away, since I couldn't take any medication. I was also getting occasional contractions. That day Morgan ended up not going into work because of the gas line explosion, so we had lunch together before he did some work from home. After lunch, I took a nap and continued to have contractions. However, the contractions didn't get stronger or closer together, so I figured it was another false alarm. Last bump picture - ta...