Articles from September 2023

September 26, 2023

Montessori Potty Learning: When Should I Start?

Montessori Potty Learning:  When Should I Start?
Potty learning can feel like this huge undertaking. A dreaded process of mess and rules and misses. But, I think we need to change our outlook on potty learning. Just like anything else our small child is learning, we need to approach potty learning like learning. Every child will have ups and downs, hits and misses, and their own unique journey to complete the process.  Nothing needs to be done in one day, one weekend,  or even one season. Just like learning to walk, talk, ride a bike, or any other skill your child will undertake, potty learning is the same. It is unique to them, it takes as long as it takes. It happens when it happens. Penelope has been potty learning for several months now. She has been one of my earliest kids to do so, but not because of anything I've done - it's her path. Here, though, I want to share a few things I look for before starting the potty learning process.  Signs to Look for to Start Potty Training or Learning There's a pervasive saying in
September 25, 2023

Shelf Help S4 Ep 3 - Montessori Toddler Mornings!

Shelf Help S4 Ep 3 - Montessori Toddler Mornings!
This week on our Montessori parenting podcast -  Come along with us through our Montessori morning with our toddlers. Montessori morning routines look like activities, materials, outings, and the work of the adult all mixed together. This week Nicole and Amy focus on what it looks like in their Montessori homes to guide their toddlers. From school drop offs, to phone calls, and shelf work, get an in-depth look at how toddlers get their day started. Show Notes... Creating Your Montessori Routine - Episode 2 When Parenting Gets Boring - S3 Ep 8 Toddler Tantrums - S3 Ep 19   Thanks for joining me for today's podcast! If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share and leave a review in your favorite podcast app.  If you are interested in finding Shelf Help in a podcast app, it is available on  Apple  |  Spotify   |  Google  |  Amazon . *Shelf Help now includes  automated ad breaks. We do have control over the content of the ads and do not specifically endorse their messa
September 22, 2023

10 Things to Know When You're New to Montessori

10 Things to Know When You're New to Montessori
Montessori is a whole world of information. Especially today in a culture of Montessori influencers, blogs, companies, and Montessori schools all sharing information about Montessori. It can feel like an overwhelming amount of information thrown at you at once.  It can feel like you need to know all the information before you can even attempt to start Montessori at home.  But, let me tell you, that's not true! We all start somewhere, Montessori parenting doesn't have to be this big scary world with a million rules. At it's heart, we know that Montessori has some basic truths that can influence your parenting and home. Things like: "Montessori parenting emphasizes independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child's natural development." If you understand that, you know that your role as a Montessori parent is to support that independence, to set limits and act with respect toward your child.  "Encourage independence through everyday tasks like d
September 20, 2023

Montessori Second Plane Parenting - Approaching Pocket Money

Montessori Second Plane Parenting - Approaching Pocket Money
There are so many unique characteristics for elementary aged kids, that is children in the Montessori second plane of development. Understanding the characteristics of second plane kids is important so that we can tailor our parenting tools to meet their needs. One characteristic of second plane children is a deep interest in money. Keeping this interest in mind is helpful as we approach pocket money, allowance, and learning about money with our elementary kids. 
September 19, 2023

Montessori Home: Skip the Seasonal Decorations

Montessori Home: Skip the Seasonal Decorations
Fall is here! Change is in the air, and pumpkin spice is everywhere. With these changes, store fronts are filled with all the seasonal decorations you could want. Fake pumpkins, wreaths made of fabric leaves, halloween everything. And, I'll be the first to admit some of it is really cute. And, yes, I have a favorite fall scented candle and soap. 
September 18, 2023

Shelf Help S4 Ep 2 - Touching the Elementary Imagination

Shelf Help S4 Ep 2 - Touching the Elementary Imagination
This week on our Montessori parenting podcast... We know that young children learn through concrete experiences, but what about as they move into the second plane of development? In this week's episode, Nicole and Amy deep dive into the importance of the imagination, reading a quote directly from Maria Montessori. We discuss how to spark the imagination to ignite a child's interests in the elementary years and how that can effect our parenting, our homes, and their education.  Show Notes... "Human consciousness comes into the world as a flaming ball of imagination. Everything invented by man, physical or mental, is the fruit of someone's imagination. In the study of history  and geography we are helpless without imagination, and when we propose to introduce the universe to the child, what but imagination can be of use to us? I consider it a crime to present such subjects as may be noble and creative aids to the imaginative faculty in such a manner as to deny its use, a
September 13, 2023

Birthday Gifts for Montessori 4-Year-Olds

Birthday Gifts for Montessori 4-Year-Olds
Somehow time keeps marching forward faster and faster. I blink and another one of my children is a year older. This time it's Teddy's turn. He's officially 4-years-old. I can't believe it. As my pandemic baby, I really struggle with how fast his particular babyhood felt. And now, he is solidly a preschooler.  Ted is easy to shop for because he has very distinct interests - trucks, and numbers. And, I feel like that's true for a lot of 4-year-olds. They are getting to the age where their interests are more defined and they are more specific about the things they like to do and can do. So, while I have some choices here, observe your child, talk to your child and follow their lead when determining if something is a good fit for your specific child.  Montessori Preschool Gifts for 4-Year-Olds There are so many possibilities for gifts for 4-year-olds that I can't possibly list them all. So I just want to give a few ideas for some popular types of gifts. I'll inc
September 11, 2023

Shelf Help S4 Ep 1 - We're Back to School!

Shelf Help S4 Ep 1 - We're Back to School!
This week on our Montessori parenting podcast... We're back for season 4 of Shelf Help! Nicole and Amy are starting off this new season of our Montessori parenting podcast with some tips for a successful back to school season. As Montessori parents, they share ways to help your children before school, tips on how to come home peacefully, and tips for you in dropping kids off at school for the first time.  Show Notes... Yoto Player Nicole on Instagram Amy on Instagram   Thanks for joining me for today's podcast! If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share and leave a review in your favorite podcast app.  If you are interested in finding Shelf Help in a podcast app, it is available on  Apple  |  Spotify   |  Google  |  Amazon . *Shelf Help now includes  automated ad breaks. We do have control over the content of the ads and do not specifically endorse their messages/products. Thank you for your support of our show. ---
September 08, 2023

Montessori Toddler: Toys to Support Horizontal Play

Montessori Toddler: Toys to Support Horizontal Play
When you think about stacking toys, I have a feeling that immediately vertical stacking comes to mind! Am I right?! There are so many amazing Montessori toddler toys that work on vertical stacking and posting work. Some of my favorites are introduced all throughout the toddler years! From learning to post/peg to learning to sort by size and shape, there are so many awesome opportunities.  But, what if I told you, vertical stacking toys aren't the only option available for Montessori toddlers?! It's true, there is a whole host of Montessori toddler work that helps children learn to post horizontally! These toys provide a whole new challenge and skills for your toddler to learn.  Why Choose Horizontal Toys for your Montessori Toddler? There are a couple of reasons to consider adding some of these toys to your toddler's shelves. One, is wrist rotation and grip. In order to be successful with horizontal toys, the pieces require a different approach than the vertical stacking to
September 06, 2023

Three After School Hacks I Use as A Montessori Parent

Three After School Hacks I Use as A Montessori Parent
A new school year is here for us! I can't believe it! I now have four children attending Montessori schools in four different levels - everything from Children's House to an adolescent program. With all these kids in schools - even schools that respect their needs for movement and give a lot of outdoor time - there are a lot of feels when we get home. Especially the first couple weeks as everyone adjusts to the new routine.  After School Hacks for Montessori Homes Over the years, I've tried a few different things in order to help our after school time feel a little more smooth. I've come to the conclusion that it is impossible for kids not to come home from school and just need to let off some steam. There will always big emotions, strong urges and some hangries. But, there have been a few parenting hacks we've incorporated to help my kids and myself during a more challenging part of the day.  Now, these "hacks" are really just things that have worked for