Some of you may have noticed that in my Minnesota State Fair post that Henry is sporting a new haircut! Last Friday, Morgan and I both got our haircut and decided it was time for Henry to get his first haircut. He was looking a little bit wild and unkempt. His hair is not quite curly but doesn't lay flat either. So it was all over the place, no matter what we did. Pretty much it always looked like this: The haircut itself went really well! Morgan held Hen and played a video on his phone. Henry barely noticed what was going on and sat quietly the whole time! I was pretty amazed. There were still moments where Henry got concerned. But thankfully, no moments of panic. And no tears! Hopefully, all his haircuts go as smoothly. And, while I'm super sad he really doesn't look like a baby anymore, I can't be too upset because look how handsome my two men are! Pin It