I'm struggling to comprehend how this year has already come to a close. It really has felt fleeting. My littles are becoming bigs. Everyone moved up to a new Montessori level. And so much growth has happened. For me, as a mother it's been incredible. It's been a year of really watching my kids flourish in new and exciting ways. As a Montessori parent educator in this space and on social media...whew. It's been harder. Harder to feel like I can stay relevant in a world that has moved to short format video as it's media of choice. But, despite the challenges of the changing world, I'm proud that this year was one of stability for me, of showing up in the best way that I could to provide some real, practical, and hopefully helpful Montessori parenting information. This year at The Kavanaugh Report: I wrote 90 Montessori parenting articles We had visitors from over 200 countries and territories. Hello Timor-Leste visitor! I had an article published in the Monte...