A half-year. Time moves so fast with a baby. I can't believe my sweet Nora girl is already 6-months-old. This past month has been a challenge with her, to say the least. Nora has struggled to sleep during the day and night. Our once awesome sleeper started sleeping in 40/50 minute stretches and getting up as many as 11 times in a night. It's been a struggle to cope, especially figuring out how to take care of two kids and work with almost no sleep (let alone blog). A friend finally suggested reflux and a lot of symptoms clicked. I think because Nora was so content during the day -- even while exhausted -- that reflux hadn't really crossed my mind. But, sure enough we had her evaluated and she was officially diagnosed. She was put on Prevacid and her sleep improved immediately...then she got the flu (which we are still getting over and it's all gone down hill again.) Despite the sleep set backs and reflux, Nora is amazing. ...