In both Nora and Henry's Montessori schools, the children are taught to write in cursive. There are many benefits to learning cursive writing from the start including the ease of the strokes, the clear difference in shape between each letter, and the natural connection between the letters which help children to understand to blend sounds together. {You can read more here about why Montessori specifically starts with cursive writing.} At home, I have made an effort to support my children's learning of cursive in a few ways. First, and I think most importantly, I MODEL cursive writing for them. This has been a big change for me over the last few years. But, I write almost exclusively in cursive now. Whether it's a grocery list, a calendar, or just a random note, I try to write in cursive. This makes cursive a real and practical means of writing for my children. It's not something they are just learning, but it's something that we actual use! This post cont...