As a very new 2, Gus is super into art and using art supplies. To be honest, he has more interest than any of my other kids did at this age. Now, this could be his personality, or just that Henry and (more so) Nora model the use of art supplies which increases his interest. Either way, Gus spends a good amount of his day engaged in creating. Just a quick note about setting up art trays for toddlers. Typically, I would make sure that everything for a toddler art tray was placed on one tray and easily accessible for the toddler. Toddlers' aren't often able to go gather all the supplies they need in order to use art material. But, here you'll see a combination of those two things - open ended supplies and prepared trays. Gus has taken a liking to some of the things prepared more for his brother and sister. That's the nature of having so many ages in one space. So, these will often require some adult intervention to make sure he can use the materials safely - I...