Despite the fact that I have done a great job avoiding the fact that I'm starting to get heavily pregnant here on the blog, the reality is that I'm starting to get pretty darn pregnant. 34 weeks, 2 days to be exact. I'm not sure how I've gone most of this pregnancy without updating, but what can I say? Baby 3. Baby K 3.0 is officially a boy, Augustus Frederick! It's been a fairly uneventful pregnancy so far and I've pushed all baby preparations to the very last second. And, let's not even pretend that I've taken a real bump shot. Oops. Well, Gus -- as we mainly call him -- decided to make himself known this weekend. Saturday, at exactly 34 weeks, I woke up with some strong but sporadic contractions. By noon, they were coming every 5 minutes or so and by 3:30 I was on my way to Labor and Delivery. Some of you may remember we had a similar scare when I was pregnant with Nora, and it turned out to just be some consistent nuisance contractions. I was...