Ever since Henry was a tiny baby, I've been in love with the idea of wearing him in a carrier as opposed to holding him, or putting him in a stroller. Henry does so much better out and about when he is worn as opposed to riding in something. And my Moby wrap was a life saver when he was suffering from colic.
But over time as he has gotten more mobile, he outgrew the moby {the fabric is stretchy so he can get out of it too easily} and I just never invested in a woven wrap.
Thankfully, my wonderful friend Drea at The Maiden Metallurgist put together a traveling wrap exchange. Drea is my wrapping role model, and I can only hope to be half as into baby wearing as she is with our next baby. But with the traveling wraps, Drea lent out two of her beautiful wraps and let them travel all over the US and Canada.
The wraps made 8 different stops along their way. Over the last two weeks, I've had the privilege to try them out before shipping them on. Sadly, it was so hot that they didn't get nearly as much use as I was hoping for.
I tried two different holds with Henry while we had the wraps -- on my back and on my hip. Henry hated being on my back. He screamed, fought, pulled hair, and then cried some more. Right now, he is in such an independent stage, he can barely stand me trying to hold his hand. He treated being on my back like he was being tortured and punished.
Henry tolerated the hip hold a lot better. But he was never very happy about it. Again, he would rather be down exploring by himself -- and tried his best to get out. However in the grocery store, where his options were sitting in the cart or sitting in the wrap, he much preferred the wrap.
In the future, I will definitely be investing in a woven wrap. I think had I been wrapping Henry more consistently from a younger age, he would be much more comfortable with it now. I hope with our next baby to continue baby wearing well into toddlerhood. But, with Hen, I think that ship has sailed.
Thanks again Drea! What a wonderful experience.

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But over time as he has gotten more mobile, he outgrew the moby {the fabric is stretchy so he can get out of it too easily} and I just never invested in a woven wrap.
Thankfully, my wonderful friend Drea at The Maiden Metallurgist put together a traveling wrap exchange. Drea is my wrapping role model, and I can only hope to be half as into baby wearing as she is with our next baby. But with the traveling wraps, Drea lent out two of her beautiful wraps and let them travel all over the US and Canada.
The wraps made 8 different stops along their way. Over the last two weeks, I've had the privilege to try them out before shipping them on. Sadly, it was so hot that they didn't get nearly as much use as I was hoping for.
I tried two different holds with Henry while we had the wraps -- on my back and on my hip. Henry hated being on my back. He screamed, fought, pulled hair, and then cried some more. Right now, he is in such an independent stage, he can barely stand me trying to hold his hand. He treated being on my back like he was being tortured and punished.
Henry tolerated the hip hold a lot better. But he was never very happy about it. Again, he would rather be down exploring by himself -- and tried his best to get out. However in the grocery store, where his options were sitting in the cart or sitting in the wrap, he much preferred the wrap.
In the future, I will definitely be investing in a woven wrap. I think had I been wrapping Henry more consistently from a younger age, he would be much more comfortable with it now. I hope with our next baby to continue baby wearing well into toddlerhood. But, with Hen, I think that ship has sailed.
Thanks again Drea! What a wonderful experience.
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