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January 16, 2015

Christmas 2014

Just when you thought holiday photo dump posts were over...I return to blogging! Sorry about my sudden big absence. It's been a month of serious illness with a couple holidays thrown in. 

First it was the flu for Nora, Henry and I. Then, Christmas. Then, New Years and a weird fevery virus for Henry. Then, traveling to visit family. Then, 8 day plague of doom for Nora. And, boom, it's the middle of January. 

We're on like day 3 of no one being really sick right now, which means we have about 4 days left before someone has a snotty nose again...

Anyway, the holidays were wonderful! We chose not to travel this year on Christmas and loved being in our home. 

We had all the food, all the candy, all the cider, all the fires, and all the love. It was the perfect way to celebrate Nora's first Christmas (and the first one Henry really understood).

I hope I always remember the matching pajamas, the laughter, the excitement, and the pure joy. Our little house wass bursting with warmth and love and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and I'm happy to be back to blogging! Bring on 2015!

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