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February 24, 2015

Nora -- 8 Months Old

This month with Nora can be summed up in one word -- change! Nora is growing and changing so fast these days. She went from not really moving to getting around, from being fairly quiet to chatting up a storm, and from exploring solid food to eating like crazy.

Nora, is our serious little girl. She is constantly observing and makes you work for smiles -- unless "you" are Morgan or Henry then she will happily smile and chat with you. I don't have official growth stats for this month, but she is still wearing a size 3 diaper, 6-9 month tops and 3-6 month pants. She is slowly moving up to the next size though and has the occasional larger outfit. She still has bright blue eyes, peach fuzz blonde hair, and new this month -- a bottom tooth (that was followed by another pretty quickly).

I can't blame her smaller size on not eating! This girl loves to eat. She's still nursing a ton (pretty much every two hours all day and night) and eating two meals -- lunch and dinner -- and a snack each day. I don't think we've met a food that she doesn't like yet. But her favorites are beef (any kind), sweet potatoes and mangoes.

Eating has had its sort-of downside, Nora has become really mouthy, and really efficient at get tiny pieces in her mouth. I've dug my fair share of chokeables out of her mouth. Other than finding and eating little pieces of fuzz, Nora enjoys playing with sensory balls, fabric, and cars (give her one of Hen's cars and she's super content!). 

But this month hasn't been about toys for Nora, it's been about learning to move and learning quick. She went from not sitting up on her own or standing up on her own to doing both in one day. She was motivated by a food wrapper to move and play. Since that day, she's crawling some on her knees, pulling up on everything, taking some steps behind a little cart, and cruising along furniture. He usual mode of getting around is a sort of bear crawl where she pushes her butt up in the air, takes a half step then plops down again. She repeats until she gets where she wants! 

Other big changes this month are that Nora is talking and sleeping a lot more. She's saying Dada, Mama, and babbling a lot (usually babababab). She also signs mom, dad, milk and more. After a little bit of gentle sleep training, Nora is falling asleep on her own, this has led to much better naps and better nighttime sleeping. She's still getting up 2-5 times a night to nurse but at least she's going right back to sleep without a fight. 

Time is flying with my sweet Rainbow. I wish I could just bottle this time and save it. But, sadly, I know these days are fleeting, so I'm just trying my best to enjoy them.

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