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August 22, 2017

Maps and Globes in a Montessori Home

One of the reasons I love Montessori is its early emphasis on an understanding of the world. Through the study of geography and culture, young children are exposed to this great planet of ours and the wonderful people who inhabit it. This deep appreciation leads to a greater understanding and hopefully a more peaceful world. 

Using maps and globes in your home can add a beautiful touch to your space and help children become more globally aware.

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For the home, I like globes and maps for another reason too -- beauty. Children are inherently attracted to beautiful things. Special little touches in an environment call to the child. They make the child feel like this space has been perfectly prepared for them, it invites them in, and they are hooked. I feel like the right map or globe is just the perfect touch to add something special to the environment and call to your child. 

We personally have several throughout our home. We have this beautiful topographic globe that I found at a thrift store, in Henry and Nora's bedroom. We have a continent map {hand made by Henry} in our art area. We have a DIY continent globe and a large political wall map in our playroom. 

Using maps and globes in your home can add a beautiful touch to your space and help children become more globally aware.

If you are looking for a map or globe for your environment, here are some options!

Using maps and globes in your home can add a beautiful touch to your space and help children become more globally aware.

Wall Maps: Wall Mural | Large World Map | Satellite World Map | 

What you choose will really depend on your space, your taste and the type of map/globe you are looking for. But, the important thing is to pick details that will draw your children in! 

Are you looking for more ideas on how to create your own Montessori space? Don't miss my course Cultivating Spaces! This course will introduce you to important Montessori principals, help you set goals and make positive change for your family! 

Using maps and globes in your home can add a beautiful touch to your space and help children become more globally aware.

Do you have maps and globes for your children to explore at home? What is your favorite? 

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So nice article, glad to read this post, thanks so much!
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for the feature! <3