I think any parent of a toddler knows how absolutely hilarious they can be. I swear Henry has me laughing all the time with the things he comes up with. This week's Toddler Along Tuesday topic is all about the crazy, funny things your kids say. A few of Henry's recent hits include:
1. "Too Fife!" {Too Bright} Henry screams this all the time. Seriously, we're working him having a less dramatic reaction to the sun, but after a long winter, it's a work in progress.
2. "Daddy, I LOOOVE Pickles!" One night when we eating dinner, Henry just randomly exclaimed that he loved pickles.
3. "High five, too slow." Henry loves to pretend to give high-fives then pull away and say "too slow."
4. "Car bwoke." A couple Saturday's ago the tires on my car needed to be replaced, so Morgan told Hen that the car broke. Now its, one of Hen's favorite things to say.
5. "Mama, I poopted." Never one of my favorites to hear.
6. "Say hi to Mama pooping." Every night I ask Henry what his favorite part of the day is. One night this was his response...what a weirdo.
What funny/cute/annoying/crazy things is your toddler saying? Link up and share.

1. "Too Fife!" {Too Bright} Henry screams this all the time. Seriously, we're working him having a less dramatic reaction to the sun, but after a long winter, it's a work in progress.
2. "Daddy, I LOOOVE Pickles!" One night when we eating dinner, Henry just randomly exclaimed that he loved pickles.
3. "High five, too slow." Henry loves to pretend to give high-fives then pull away and say "too slow."
4. "Car bwoke." A couple Saturday's ago the tires on my car needed to be replaced, so Morgan told Hen that the car broke. Now its, one of Hen's favorite things to say.
5. "Mama, I poopted." Never one of my favorites to hear.
6. "Say hi to Mama pooping." Every night I ask Henry what his favorite part of the day is. One night this was his response...what a weirdo.
What funny/cute/annoying/crazy things is your toddler saying? Link up and share.