Here is another addition of our Blogher13 bloghop -- all about who you are rooming with at the conference. I can't believe Blogher is getting so close!!
1. With whom are you rooming for BlogHer '13?
I'm shacking up with my Internet-bestie Jayne at The Naptown Organizer, one of my awesome in-real-life friends Jaymi at Olive Juice Box, and the lovely and super hilarious Kate at This Awkward Life.
2. How do you know these ladies? Are these new bloggers you'll be meeting at the conference or old friends?
Well, I met all three of these amazing women back when I was pregnant with Henry. We chatted and became close friends. I live near Jaymi and have met Jayne in-real-life. I'll be meeting Kate for the first time at Blogher! It's crazy how the Internet brings people together, these are some of my closest friends and yet we've only been in the same room a couple times.
3. What are your typical sleep and wake times at home? Do you tend to be an early bird, a night owl, or somewhere in between?
These days, I seem to be neither a night owl or an early bird -- just constantly tired and constantly wanting to sleep. Back before I was a walking zombie of fertility drugs and too little sleep, I was a total night owl. I hate the morning time with a passion and avoid it at all costs. Now, thanks to the Hen who seems to be getting up earlier and earlier, my typical wake time is around 7:00, and thanks to my work schedule my typical sleep time is 11:30.
4. Tell us about your bathroom habits. {Just kidding!!! ...kind of!} What is your daily routine for getting ready for the day? How long do you typically take on make up, showering, hair, etc.?
I'm pretty simple. Typically, I shower at night, throw my hair up in the morning and take 5 minutes to put on some makeup. I know, terrible girl. I take a little longer if I actually do my hair, but still, I'm really quick. I grew up in a house with four kids and one bathroom -- you had no choice but quick.
5. Do you plan to spend time at the conference with your roommates, or will you try to go off on your own?
This is a tough one for me. My initial reaction is to say stick to my friends/roommates and never let them go. But, I know there will be so many amazing people to meet while at the conference. I also know that our blogs are all at different stages and have different niches. So I know I have a lot to gain by going out on my own, and I'm going to try really hard to do that.

If you're going to Blogher13, who are you staying with? Link up and share!
1. With whom are you rooming for BlogHer '13?
I'm shacking up with my Internet-bestie Jayne at The Naptown Organizer, one of my awesome in-real-life friends Jaymi at Olive Juice Box, and the lovely and super hilarious Kate at This Awkward Life.
2. How do you know these ladies? Are these new bloggers you'll be meeting at the conference or old friends?
Well, I met all three of these amazing women back when I was pregnant with Henry. We chatted and became close friends. I live near Jaymi and have met Jayne in-real-life. I'll be meeting Kate for the first time at Blogher! It's crazy how the Internet brings people together, these are some of my closest friends and yet we've only been in the same room a couple times.
3. What are your typical sleep and wake times at home? Do you tend to be an early bird, a night owl, or somewhere in between?
These days, I seem to be neither a night owl or an early bird -- just constantly tired and constantly wanting to sleep. Back before I was a walking zombie of fertility drugs and too little sleep, I was a total night owl. I hate the morning time with a passion and avoid it at all costs. Now, thanks to the Hen who seems to be getting up earlier and earlier, my typical wake time is around 7:00, and thanks to my work schedule my typical sleep time is 11:30.
4. Tell us about your bathroom habits. {Just kidding!!! ...kind of!} What is your daily routine for getting ready for the day? How long do you typically take on make up, showering, hair, etc.?
I'm pretty simple. Typically, I shower at night, throw my hair up in the morning and take 5 minutes to put on some makeup. I know, terrible girl. I take a little longer if I actually do my hair, but still, I'm really quick. I grew up in a house with four kids and one bathroom -- you had no choice but quick.
5. Do you plan to spend time at the conference with your roommates, or will you try to go off on your own?
This is a tough one for me. My initial reaction is to say stick to my friends/roommates and never let them go. But, I know there will be so many amazing people to meet while at the conference. I also know that our blogs are all at different stages and have different niches. So I know I have a lot to gain by going out on my own, and I'm going to try really hard to do that.
If you're going to Blogher13, who are you staying with? Link up and share!