Henry is 22 Months
This week at tot school, Henry and I moved on to the letter C. Before starting this week, Henry could say and identify {upper and lower case} the letter C. This week we focused on C, but we also did a review of colors and shapes which was good practice for Henry.
Our first tray was a road shaped like the letter C that I made and enough cars to make the C. Then, a second sheet asking if Henry to put each car in its garage. Henry loved this tray -- both making the C with the cars and matching the colors. I did try to pick cars that had different shades of the usual colors to make it a little more of a challenge.
The second tray was a Melissa and Doug lacing cow. Henry was intrigued by this and spent more time trying to figure it out than I expected. He couldn't quite get the coordination to hold the cow and lace the string, but if I held he could pull it through.
The third tray was a sheet of cats that I made. Each cat had a different shape and different color on it, with a "Cc" in the middle. There was also a bowl with matching cut-up cards so that Henry could match the shapes. Henry used this a few times and had no problem matching the cards. I still think he relied too much on matching the colors instead of the shapes, but either way he figured it out.
Finally, we had the C sensory bin. It had a camera, a comb, cars, circles, cows, little cups and other random C things. Henry really enjoyed this and played with a bunch.
Other things we did this week:
Giant Foam Puzzle: I broke out the old floor puzzle that used to protect Henry when he was first learning to walk. He spend an hour taking all the letters out and putting them all back in. Everyday since then, he has wanted to play with these letters.
Food Fun: C made of cheese -- well vegan dairy free cheese.
Dot Painting/Dry Erase C's:
Magnet Board: I've done this every week, and Henry really loves the magnets

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