Henry is 22 months old.
After a much longer break than anticipated, tot school will be returning this week. With the holidays and the loss, tot school was pushed to the back burner. But Henry and I have both missed it and I'm excited to start up again.
With the new year, tot school is headed in a new direction -- letters! We are officially done with shapes. Henry can easily identify all the basic shapes and even some more complex ones, so I knew it was time to move on. Over the last month, Henry has become very interested in letters and numbers. At this point, he can identify about 15 letters and 6 different numbers.
As this is our first time through the alphabet, we will be focusing on letter identification and matching upper to lower case. For the most part, I'm going to leave phonics out of the teaching for now. I may so some basic "B says buh" or something, but it won't be our focus.
In addition to the letters, I will still tot school time to continue working on additional practical life skills including gross motor skills, fine motor skills, sensory, etc. I really want to also start incorporating more traditional Montessori materials into our learning and to continue using Montessori principals in setting up and creating the activities.
Anyone have any suggestions for teaching the alphabet? Who else has started letters this January?!
{The pictures in this post are random tot school things we did over the break. Even during a break, we can never get totally away from tot school!}

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