Henry is 20 months old.
Last week in tot school, our theme was Thanksgiving and our shape was star. It was a short week since we left home for the holiday, but was still really fun.
On the activity wall, was a shape/number felt turkey. Each of the feathers had a number and a corresponding number of shapes drawn on to it. Henry wasn't super impressed with the turkey but did play with it some. On the magnet board was a few wooden star magnets I made and a few letters spelling out the word "star."
The tot trays were really fun this week. The first tray was a set of pilgrim men in varying sizes. Henry was supposed to order them according to size. We've only just started working on size so Henry really didn't understand what he was supposed to do. Next time I do this activity, I think I'll add a self-correcting sheet that gives him a little more direction.
The second tray was practical life skill tray. I taped a star on to a tray with painters tape. Then placed a bag of plastic pumpkins on the tray. I gave Henry a small broom so he could sweep the pumpkins into the star. Henry really liked this tray. Half of the time he would use the broom, the other half he would just place the pumpkins into the star.
The final tray was a wooden box (from a random Melissa and Doug toy) filled with small pilgrim(ish) looking people. I found the people a few months ago in the clearance section of Michael's. They each had a match so I put one set of the people in the larger part of the tray and the other in the smaller part. Then, Henry could match the two. This is the most complicated matching Henry has done so far, but he actually did a pretty good job. Henry really just liked playing with the figures.
The book bin was a bust again. I did go to our new library, but it really wasn't very nice. Plus, Henry was super crabby so we left without getting anything.
Other things we did this week included:
Played with our fall-themed sensory bin. Hen liked to add the people from tray 3. I also added small wooden stars.
Played with his coin game BumbbleFly~N~ButterBees coin game.

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