I have to say, Target Field is probably my favorite place on earth. I've been to four games so far, and its the only place I want to be. Of course the Metrodome holds a special place in my heart, but that place was awful. But, I do remember walking into that building for the first time when I was little, probably sometime in 1992, and thinking the Metrodome was the most amazing structure on the planet. I learned over time that it was not. There is so much to love about Target Field though. First of all, the location is awesome. What a difference 12 blocks can make. The Metrodome sits in a barren wasteland of nothingness. Yet Target Field is surrounded by so many bars, restaurants, coffee shops and clubs that the options before and after the game are endless. Second, the food at Target Field is incredible. Gone are the days of the Dome Dog and a stale pretzel. You can get almost any type of food you want at Target Field, and its made fresh. There are actually real chefs. Third, its outdoor baseball at its best. I am really glad they didn't build a roof on this thing, because you really feel like you're a part of downtown. There's a great view of the skyline, and the main concourse is right at street level because the field is actually below grade-level. But there is so much room in the concourses, and so many bars and other places to go if it gets too cold or rainy, that the weather shouldn't be too big of an issue. I would actually say that about a third of all the seats are covered in some way, either by the canopy in the upper deck, or in the lower decks by the decks above them. There are a million more things I could talk about, but I'll leave it at that for now. I'm heading to my fifth game at Target Field tonight and I can't wait!