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September 19, 2018

Language Cards for Toddlers

Language work is always popular with toddlers. Right along side gross motor, toddlers are also going through periods of language explosion. In a Montessori home, we offer a lot of different opportunities for language development from birth. To be clear here, I'm not talking about drilling ABCs or other academic work. But, developing rich expressive and receptive language skills. This includes using correct terminology for things from birth, avoiding baby talk, avoiding screens, and constantly talking with your child. 

A look at Montessori language cards with toddlers. Here are a few ways to use them and some options on where to get them.

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There are also opportunities to provide work for your child when it comes to language. And many of those opportunities include the use of language cards! Depending on how old/ready your child is, these cards can be used for a variety of purposes including: 

I am sure that there are other Montessori friendly ways that people have used them too! But, right now, they are a huge hit around here. And they were with Nora too!  But, where do you get them? There are SO many options for quality language cards that I cannot possibly list them all here, but I did want to list a few. 

A look at Montessori language cards with toddlers. Here are a few ways to use them and some options on where to get them.

Again, these are just a few examples from MANY that are available. When looking for cards, look for cards with high quality images - either real pictures or beautiful illustrations. Look for simple cards, words aren't usually necessary for toddlers. You can also easily make your own by taking pictures of things you have in your environment, or using stock images. 

A look at Montessori language cards with toddlers. Here are a few ways to use them and some options on where to get them.

Have you used language cards with your toddler? Where is your favorite place to get them? 

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Unknown said…
Where did you get your shelves? And does he every try to climb the shelves?
Nicole @ The Kavanaugh Report
Ikea Bestas - and no, he doesnt climb them, but he isn't really a climber.